Kwik Kar of Coppell
475 South Denton Tap Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
(972) 304-1095
Kwik Kar Lube & Auto Care of Coppell offers a wide array of services for your vehicle. Each service is designed to maintain the safety and extend the life of your vehicle.
Click on a service in the Kwik Kar Services column to get a description.
The Road to a Long-lasting Automobile
Auto technicians say the key to keeping vehicles running well today and down the road is routine maintenance. Yet many drivers tend to stall when it comes to keeping up with some everyday auto-basics. A recent survey by the Car Care Council found:
• 38 percent of cars had low or dirty engine oil.
• 54 percent had low tire pressure.
• 28 percent had inadequate cooling protection.
• 19 percent needed new belts.
• 16 percent had dirty air filters.
• 10 percent had low or contaminated brake fluid.